Unit — Soldier • Cost: 2 • ATK: 3 • HP: 3
Boost ③ (You may pay an additional ③ when you play this to get the boost effect.)
If you boosted, destroy each opponent's weakest unit. (The lowest tech unit with the least ATK. You choose if there's a tie for least ATK.)
Black • Necromancy Tech I
"Lowest tech unit with least ATK" means first you look at the set of units the lowest tech, such as "tech 0." Tech 0 is below I is below II is below III. Next, choose the unit in that set with the least ATK. — Sirlin, 03/02/16
If there are any units that are indestructible or that can't leave play, ignore them when looking for the weakest unit. If such a thing would be their "weakest unit" then instead destroy their next weakest. — sharpo, 11/24/16
Keyword Rulings: Boost X